Living with Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a condition of rapid or excessive skin production. These rapidly produced skin cells accumulate to form plaques which appear as dry, scaly silvery patches. Sometimes they may also crack and bleed. Psoriasis is absolutely non contagious and it remits and relapses. There is no cure but treatment for this auto-immune skin disease. There is faulty signal from immune system for skin production in days instead of weeks. Generally affected areas are joints, scalp, palms and soles. It may extend to other regions of the body including abdomen, back and shoulders.


Psoriasis can cause inflammation in the connective tissue which may impact joints and may thus affect mobility. Most affected joints are fingers and toes. There can always be an emotional stress associated with psoriasis.80-90% of the people are affected with plaque psoriasis



In the US 7 million people are known to be affected from psoriasis with about 150,000 cases reported every year. It is more common in Causcasians. Mean age of the onset in males is 30+ years while in females it is 25+ years. The disease is equally present in males and females. Psoriatic arthritis among the Indian patients is rare and has a milder course as compared to the western countries



There are no known causes for this disease. Heredity seems to play a role, while some environmental triggers can also be there.



In Allopathy certain topical applications are advised- topical corticosteroids, vitamin D, Ccoal tar and phytotherapies are advised. In severe cases drugs like methoxyterate or immunomodulators are prescribed. However, they have severe side effects.


Alternative Therapies

Ayurveda has remedies that can help check growth of psoriasis and can comfort the affected area. With continuous treatment psoriasis may be completely remitted. Ayurveda recognizes psoriasis as Vata and Pitta dosha. Scaly skin accumulation is a result of Vata dosha. Kapha causes itching. While Pitta causes inflammation. Oral medications are given for pitta pacification. Herbal applications are done for Vata dosha.

  • Abhyanga or Oleation is done for the entire body
  • Thakradhara is done on head and body. Pouring of buttermilk mixed with herbal decoction is done over the forehead and scalp continuously for 45 to 60 minutes for a period of 7 to14 days. The herbs used are gooseberry, lotus, ficus, neem, sandalwood, ginger, lemon etc. Gooseberry, lotus and sandalwood have a cooling effect while the other fight skin infection and are great healers. This is believed to give lot of relief in psoriasis flare ups.
  • Turmeric– Turmeric paste mixed with sesame oil or petroleum jelly can be applied to soothe affected areas.
  • Aloe vera can be applied on affected areas to smoothen skin and healing
  • Omega 3 fatty acids are strongly recommended for this autoimmune disorder as they reduce inflammation
  • Capsaicin, a compound in chilllies is also used in psoriasis treatment
  • Sunlight is a rich source of Vitamin D which is supposed to be an immunomodulator also.
  • Homeopathy medicine Psorinum is advised to treat psoriasis. Psorinum contains Sulphur, Zincum, Natrum muriaticum (sodium chloride), Petroleum and Graphites. Also there are Sepia, Arsenicum album, Phosphorus, Argentum nitricum (nitrate of silver), Calcarea carbonica (calcium carbonate), Silica and Lycopodium (a type of fern) in a lesser extent.



  • Use soaps for bathing which can leave your skin dried up
  • Scratch the affected area
  • Eat very spicy foods that may cause itching or burning



  • Try gentle cream soaps or body washes.
  • Herbal soaps containing essential oils may be used.
  • Home Cleansers (ubtans) of gram powder with butter milk can be used as alternative especially for the affected areas.
  • Use lukewarm water for bath
  • Apply sesame or coconut oil before bath on entire body.
  • Natural loofah can be used to remove dead cells
  • Prefer wearing loose cotton clothes instead of synthetics
  • Try Mud Baths. Mud baths of Dead Sea salts have special significance for skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. The Dead Sea contains 26 different essential minerals such as  chlorine, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium. bromine etc. Their concentrations are 4 to 80 times higher than that of regular ocean water.
  • Observe triggers that cause flare up. Avoid them. It could be spicy food, skin infections, stress etc.