Generally hiccups last for only a few minutes. But if you are talking to someone or about to give a presentation you have to do away with the hic sound. It is generally caused by involuntary contraction of diaphragm. The trigger could be like eating too fast, eating spicy food, alcoholic drinks, irritation in stomach or throat, swallowing air, stress or excitement.

  • Open your mouth and breathe in deep a breath. Hold it there and count slowly upto 1 to 15 or at least 10. Open your mouth again to breathe out. Hiccups gone!

Other suggested remedies are

  • Breathing in paper bags
  • Drinking cold water
  • Put some sugar granules on your tongue and keep sucking them

[Hiccups can be due to some other underlying medical problems also. There can be some serious medical condition if hiccups persist longer than a few minutes. Consult your doctor in such cases]