Author: Dr. Anju Dave
Aarti is an Indian ritual of worship performed as a part of a Puja (religious ceremony to convey gratitude to deities). The elements in an Aarti platter are generally flowers (denoting the Earth), a small jug of Water, lighted oil-lamps (Fire), a fan made of peacock feathers (Air) and incensed sticks (Ether): it symbolizes an…
High Blood pressure
High Blood Pressure is on a rise and a most common public health concern. Stressful and sedentary lifestyles with no diet and other modifications increase proneness to hypertension. Medical experts identify family history as a big reason for hypertension. With the changing environmental and lifestyle conditions, people are inviting hypertension much early in their lives.…
This is the part where all the action lies. We suggest you some simple yet effective ways to lose considerable amount of belly fat in a small time interval. You may also rope in your friends or relatives to help you stick to the positive changes in your lifestyle and even accompany you in your…
Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neuro-immunological disease where body’s immune system attacks its own central nervous system. It is believed that either the immune system can be hyperactive or gets mis-directional to attack its own myelin sheath (a fatty substance that surrounds nerves, axons of neurons). These attacks (intermittent in nature) result into ‘demyelination’ forming…