Sesame Massage Oil

Daily massage is what ayurveda recommends for a healthy toned body. Oil massage called as Abhyanga (Oleation) in Ayurveda is found to be de-stressing, detoxifying, improving blood circulation and regulating fat and energy flow. Sesame (Til in hindi) oil is used as a base oil for almost all ayurvedic massage oils. For general massage purpose also, Sesame oil is considered to be the best as it quickly penetrates the body.

Just a couple of minutes whole body massage before shower (warm) may give you amazing results. Ayurveda recommends more emphasis on feet and head for oil massage to calm and relax our nerves. On limbs upward and downward stroke massage can be given while certain areas such as stomach and chest require gentle circular massage. One can do self-massage easily. Sesame oil massage has multiple benefits for beauty, flexibility, youthful and strength and more:


  • Sesame oil massage rejuvenates skin making it soft, supple, lustrous and youthful
  • Skin becomes more resilient to stress, bacteria and other microbes
  • It lubricates body and joints
  • Sesame oil is perfect light oil for face as well. Many face lotions would have its base.
  • Sesame is natural source of vitamin B, E, Magnesium, Calcium and Copper which nourishes skin and the whole body through quick absorption
  • It improves general stamina
  • Sesame oil is not only good for musculo-skeletal system but also nervous system
  • It is particularly good for vata imbalance (vata dosha) and to prevent nervous disorders
  • Sesame oil massage is also known to balances kapha dosha
  • It reduces fatigue and a massage before bed gives a good night sleep
  • It slows ageing

Besides, Sesame oil also has therapeutic value particularly for ease pain (joints, menstrual, backaches etc.) and muscle spasm. Internally sesame oil eases dry cough, dryness and constipation. It is known to prevent skin cancer, colon cancer and reduce serum cholesterol. A mouth rinse prevents from bleeding gums and gingivitis.  Internal intake is not recommended for kapha and pitta dosha people.

Sesame Oil also known as Gingelly oil is available in most Beauty stores or Indian stores.