Reflexology Socks

Happy feet can give you happy health, and that is what Reflexology says and does. Reflexology practitioners say that our feet are virtual map of our entire body where there are thousands (about 7,000) of nerve endings. These nerve endings are called as reflexes. The whole body is mirrored in the two feet which are zoned into five horizontal and five vertical zones to represent each area and individual organ of our body. In a few minutes of entire feet massage our mind and body can be calmed through deep relaxation. There are key points which are stimulated for natural healing. Areas that have problem will be more sensitive than the rest. Massaging those points help overcome problem in that area.

Besides calming mind and relaxing body in a few minutes, Reflexology is known for giving quick relief in chronic pains such as migraine headaches, backaches, neck pains and sinuses, PMS etc. There are combinations of foot massages used gentle massage, rotating, kneading, pressing, traversing across and moving up and down the foot, toe pressing etc. There is more emphasis given to problem area. Reflexology improves blood circulation and can help maintain heart and brain health, regulate digestive, reproductive and excretory systems as well.

For self help practitioners or beginners Reflexology socks are of great value who may find it difficult to locate the exact points to stimulate. There is one-size fit for all socks as well as socks available in different sizes. These socks come in cotton or lycra or  have diagrams that show organs for pressure points. There are Basic Knead Reflexology Sox,  Reflexology socks from Earthware therapeutics, Spandex etc. and more to choose from.