Home remedy for Boils

Boils can be caused by bacterial infection (generally by Staphylococcus aureus ). The bacteria usually enter through skin cuts, scratches or other outbreaks. People with weaker immunity or prone to skin diseases may develop infections.

  • Apply Turmeric (Curcuma longa, Haldi in Hindi) powder mixed in warm ghee (clarified butter) or mustard oil on the boils and bandage them. Turmeric can leak and stain clothes, so prefer night time and clothes accordingly. 3-4 applications will give relief in pain, ripe the boils faster and heal them up. Turmeric has anti-bacterial properties and is a natural antibiotic.
  • Garlic paste also helps in boils ripening.
  • Warm tea bags may also help the boils ripe faster. One can also use warm cucumber slices, tomato or lime slices.
  • Drinking Turmeric (1 teaspoon) with warm water or milk just with the first sign of boil may make it disappear altogether. Or later also it will help the boil ripe and burst faster.
  • To prevent boils from coming again, hygiene is most important. It is important to flush the system with fluids intake. This should be accompanied with light diet rich with fruits and vegetables.
  • Drinking hot water and doing exercises or steam bath (sauna) that make you sweat will help flushing and getting rid of toxins faster.
  • Taking bittergourd juice first thing in the morning cleanses the system

Try not to pop the boils.  Wash clothes after every use and keep your hand towels and toiletries separate. In allopathy anti-bacterial medication (Bactrim) is given for quick relief in boils alongwith Vitamin B and C for faster healing.